I’m fortunate to have built great relationships with my clients over the years.

Here’s what some of them had to say.

Neil Fossett Neil Fossett

Lindsay Wilcox Reid - Author, advanced dressage rider and Founder Equipilates™

Lisa joined our teaching team in 2017; she is a committed and experienced teacher who coaches her clients to achieve more with their riding. Her teaching brings together a varied and holistic skill set and she’s dedicated to improving partnership between horse and rider with thoughtful and effective exercise programming.

— Lindsay Wilcox Reid - Author, advanced dressage rider and Founder Equipilates™

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Neil Fossett Neil Fossett

Hannah Stalley - National Para Rider

Thanks Form and Function Equine, Lisa Hales is a great teacher and I work as hard as I do to manage my pain so I can stay out off pain medication. I came as a last chance now I would not look back. Thanks for taking a chance on me and working with my body which threw problems at you most weeks. 

— Hannah Stalley - National Para Rider

Hannah Stalley
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Neil Fossett Neil Fossett

Nicky Greenhill - International World Class Para Dressage Rider

Lisa has been helping me for several years now with riding specific Pilates. I had never done any Pilates before so she taught me from the beginning all the way through to the more advanced techniques. Lisa watched me ride to enable her to formulate a specific program for me to target my weaknesses. This is constantly reviewed to enhance my effectiveness whilst in the saddle through mobility and strengthening work. This has been a huge factor in achieving everything I have to date and I continue to work with Lisa on the lead up to Tokyo selection. 

— Nicky Greenhill - International World Class Para Dressage Rider

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Neil Fossett Neil Fossett

Jenny Minto

Lisa is an inspiring and talented teacher. She structures our Pilates sessions with varying difficulties and always gives us clear instructions and advice as we go along so we are able to do the moves correctly and without any compromise to our health. The sessions are structured and If was we have any special requests she will incorporate these into our training sessions. I love the way the classes are run they are friendly but also designed to push yourself , Lisa is friendly, approachable, motivational and a delight to work out with. Her Pilates classes are designed to help the equestrian rider but are equally useful to the general pilates fitness classes. X 

— Jenny Minto

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Neil Fossett Neil Fossett

Becky Thompson

I have been attending Lisa’s Pilates classes for many months now. I initially began because I was suffering with chronic lower back pain. I had been spending a fortune on seeing a chiro every fortnight for months. I decided to try Pilates and within 2 weeks my back pain was gone, Lisa is so knowledgeable and checks every client is correct through every movement . This makes a huge difference. I would highly recommend Form and Function

— Becky Thompson

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Neil Fossett Neil Fossett

Emma Miles

We have been going to Pilates for Riders classes now for nearly 2 years with Lisa - Form & Function - as a dressage rider my daughters core strength & position has improved ten fold along with her flexibility and no longer has problems with her knees - as for me I can honestly say since I have been going I have not had a bad back - plus have grown an inch - I would never have believed Pilates would be so beneficial

— Emma Miles

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Neil Fossett Neil Fossett

Jennie Gillam

Lisa is a fantastic Pilates teacher, she takes everything at your pace but pushes you beyond what you thought you could do. When I started Pilates with Lisa I hadn't been walking properly for months as my knees were so painful, yet within a few weeks I was back to normal. She makes the sessions fun as well as hard work and each week I improve. Cannot recommend her enough.

— Jennie Gillam

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Neil Fossett Neil Fossett

Bente Elkjear Hardman

Lisa is a true professional! Really knows how to help each and every client to improve and have fun. The references to riding posture are accurate and very useful. Best Pilates I've ever done! Love it.

- Bente Elkjear Hardman

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Neil Fossett Neil Fossett

Julie Beck Luckin

Lisa is extremely knowledgeable and relates all the exercises to our riding position and the effects on the horse. Highly recommend

- Julie Beck Luckin

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Neil Fossett Neil Fossett

Kate Coppock

I’m not a rider but it really hasn’t mattered, Lisa’s classes are tailored for both. They are the best Pilates classes I’ve been to. Lisa is not just professional and really knowledgable but warm, welcoming and funny. I’ve taken the advice and moves into every day life.. highly recommended ❤

— Kate Coppock

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